It all started with an idea. A bad idea, but an idea, nonetheless. A website about cataclysmic natural disasters, music, and beer. How could it go wrong?
Before I tell you how it went wrong…
I’ve always been fascinated with the power of non-man made disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, landslides, and storms. They have quite the way of showing humans how small we truly are without having to leave the planet or look to the stars. Forget Sagan’s oft quoted passage from Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space. Mother Nature is here 100% of the time and truly a mother when she wants to be.
Music is an obvious topic and instrumental to what I wanted to accomplish by creating this space.
And then there is beer…if it’s going to be the end times, might as well enjoy a tasty beverage while listening to some music. I will usually display what I’m drinking throughout the stream and have no qualms about promoting breweries that I think are worth it. (pssst, beer marketing people – holla, your boy needs some “samples”)
A website can’t be a website if it doesn’t have a name/domain that’s easy to remember. Enter Phoebe Legere. Her song ‘Armageddon A Go Go‘ was the inspiration for the whole shebang. I felt that really captured what I was going for.
The original version of the website, which is gone sadly, was more blog-centric with posts about different significant quakes from around the world and about my favorite super volcano, Yellowstone. The posts were informative and had music videos related to post topic. It was pretty sweet. Then, I got lazy and stopped posting.
This version of the site only holds playlist recaps from my twitch channel, twitch.tv/barthio but I will be adding additional content and links to audio recordings/mixes. The images displayed throughout are mostly my own photos and digital manipulations.